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*SOLD* 2.5 Acres near Marrowbone Creek

$ 30,700
Cross Creek Rd, ,
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Really nice size lot with great road access. This lot has development on both sides and across the street. Heavily wooded lot with Marrowbone Creek on the back of the property. Located on Cross Creek Road. This lot would be perfect for fishing. Located in Trailwood Subdivision. Beautiful view looking towards Marrowbone Creek. Perfect place to build your dream home. Utilities close by. Beech Hollow is only .3 miles away. Cumberland River 6.9 miles away. Beaman Park is 5.4 miles away. Tn-12 is 4.6 miles away. Cheatham Wildlife Management Area is 15.5 miles away. I-24 is 10 miles away. A little over 10 miles from the outskirts of Nashville.

GPS Points: 36.2733167, -86.98025833333334; 36.2730167, -86.98024722222222; 36.2730806, -86.97800000000001; 36.2735389, -86.97810277777778

Lot Size: 2.50 acres
Property ID: 195
APN: 053-095.01
Address: Cross Creek Rd
Zip Code: 37080
Coordinates: 36.2733389, -86.97799444444
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