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*SOLD*5 Acres with Stevenson Branch running through

$ 32,900
0 Mowbray Pike #1 , ,
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Narrow heavily wooded lot located off Mowbray Pike in Soddy Daisy. This 5 acre lot does have Stevenson Branch going through the south end of the property, which would be great for fishing. There is development all around this lot so building should be feasible along with access to utilities. Located less than 15 miles away from Chickamauga Lake. Soddy Daisy is a great community. It is a small town, but it is a great place to call home. This lot is just 24 miles north of Chattanooga. Located 6.8 miles from Soddy Daisy town and 6.9 miles from TN-29. You could either have this as a summer lot or even build for your forever home. Lots of activities for the family to do in both winter and summer.

Road Frontage: Around 209ft
Tax Amount: $ 345.65

GPS Points: 35.2854194, -85.24673888888888; 35.2827278, -85.24673888888888; 35.2825389, -85.24616944444445; 35.2851722, -85.24485555555556

Lot Size: 5.00 acres
Property ID: 201
APN: 047-004.05
Address: 0 Mowbray Pike #1
Zip Code: 37379
Coordinates: 35.2852472, -85.245161111111
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