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*SOLD*96 Acre lot with Pond. Great hunting lot

$ 45,000
0 Avery Road, ,
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This large lot it partially cleared with a pond on the north side of the property. This would be a great parcel for hunting. Does have wildlife. The property starts off as a narrow piece going from 44.8872722, -74.43393055555556 to 44.8872667, -74.43381111111111 and travels north until it widens at 44.891225, -74.4344888888889. . Dirt road crosses thru lot to create easy access to most areas of the large lot, which is known as Ashley Road. East Branch Deer Creek is just north of this lot and West Branch Deer creek is located just south. This property does have development nearby. This property is about 10 miles away from the Canadian border.


Tax Amount per Year: $869.99

GPS Points: 44.8982333, -74.43569166666667; 44.8872667, -74.43394722222223; 44.887325, -74.43383055555556; 44.891275, -74.43444444444445; 44.8916417, -74.42827777777778; 44.8984944, -74.42928611111111

Lot Size: 96.26 acres
Property ID: 147
APN: 164200-067-000-0002-009-100-0000
Address: 0 Avery Road
Zip Code: 12916
Coordinates: 44.887474, -74.433425
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