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*SOLD*10.47 Acres near Mayfield Lake

$ 39,000
U.S Highway 12, ,
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Cleared parcel located off U.S Highway 12. This lot does have development nearby and would be a great area for building. Located around 2 miles from Mayfield Lake.Salkum Washington is a small town with a population a little over 550 people. Salkum is located off U.S Highway 12. It does have a library, post office, grocery store, tavern and a fire department. This lot is very close to the next town which is Mossyrock. It is also less than a mile from Silver creek. This lot is located near many attractions. Mayfield Lake Park, Winston Creek Falls and Ike Kinswa State Park are all less than 10 miles away. Only 20 mies for the World’s Largest Egg. Some fun things to visit would be Chehalis-Centralia Railroad Museum, Shankz 3D Black Light Miniature Golf and Great Wolf Lodge Water park. If you are looking for more arts and theaters visit Art Gallery 505, Evergreen Playhouse or Rectangle Gallery Creative Space. 18 miles from Interstate-5. Lewis County has great access to Mount Rainier, Mount St Helen’s, and Mount Adams.

Tax Amount Per Year: $537.09

GPS Points:

46.5275083, -122.60185555555555; 46.525175, -122.60179722222222; 46.5252194, -122.59927222222221; 46.5266472, -122.59929444444444


Lot Size: 10.47 acres
Property ID: 203
APN: 028689-000-000
Address: U.S Highway 12
Zip Code: 98582
Coordinates: 46.5270167, -122.60052222
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